Scott Linder
People who have the means to do a little can do a lot. That’s my motto. Building a community around helping those less fortunate in our community is what 4DADS is all about. I have 2 kids, a beautiful wife and live in Hudson.

Ryan Linder
Father to a brand new baby girl I am as busy as ever. Being involved in other fundraising events in the past I always dreamed of doing something more for our community. That’s why I’m one of the 4DADS!

Casey Guinn
When Scott told me he wanted to start a charity golf tournament I was in from Day 1. It’s important to me to take care of those around us. To help those who need it most. Our group of Dads plan to do exactly that!

Tim Bergman
As a CPA I see plenty of causes, ideas and ways people give back. Having the opportunity to effect that and make real change in our community is what it’s all about for me.